As well as offering nutritional health advice in Heathfield and Mayfield, East Sussex and determining a person’s health status through 1:1 consultations, sometimes in depth details of health conditions can only be detected through the use of functional testing. Specific tests enable me to screen for suboptimal health status whether it be identifying Vitamin and Mineral insufficiencies to elevated homocysteine levels that could indicate potential risks of heart attacks and strokes. I can test for food sensitivities versus food allergies as well as Stress response tests allowing us to plot cortisol levels throughout the day which could indicate potential onset of adrenal fatigue. I use Digestive Stool analysis tests that allows me to assess a person’s bowel health.
I use a variety of laboratories based both in the UK and the USA. I will order the test for you. It will be sent directly to you where you can carry out the test. This test may be analysing your saliva, urine, hair or stool. If it is analysing your blood some GP’s may take the blood sample for you or you can locate a nearby Private medical establishment such as Bupa, Nuffield or Spire that will draw your blood sample for you for a small charge.
You will send the test off and then the results will come back to me where I will be able to analyse the results and devise a support program to address any issues the test has uncovered and suggest lifestyle modifications to help promote your health and wellness. The cost of the test will be dependent on which test is required but can range from £50-£600. All costs will be discussed in advance. These costs are additional to consultation and follow up costs. Appointments for nutritional advice are available in Heathfield and Mayfield, East Sussex, Tunbridge Wells in Kent, and via Zoom.

DNA Fit: This test will help you nurture your nature, to be the best you can be through genetic insights. The test provides an in depth analysis of 45 key genetic variants, across both fitness and diet, to advise how you can train more effectively, train to prevent injury and make diet and nutrition improvements.